Youth Groups

Middle School | High School | Young Mentors, Leaders, Volunteers

Questions? Please don’t hesitate to send an email to Michael Lynch:


 Upcoming Events

Year Round Groups


Large Group Nights

WHEN: First Wednesday of every month, 6:30-8pm.

WHERE: St. Francis of Assisi’s Frassati Hall. Come to the West (basement) doors.

WHAT: Join middle and high school students for a delicious meal, joy-filled activities, relevant witnesses, and prayer!

HOW DO I JOIN? Just show up!


Small Groups

Middle School (Grades 6-8)

WHEN: Wednesdays, with the exception of Large Group Nights (1st Wed), from 6:30-8pm.

WHERE: St. Francis of Assisi’s Frassati Hall. Come to the West (basement) doors!

WHAT: The boys and girls meet separately to build lasting, faith-based friendships while being formed in the Catholic life through prayer, scripture, and joy! Light snacks are provided.

HOW DO I JOIN? Just show up!

High School (Grades 9-12)

WHEN: Wednesdays, with the exception of Large Group Nights (1st Wed), from 6-8pm.

WHERE: The high school group meets at a youth team member’s home and is hosted by three members of the youth team. Email for the address.

WHAT: The boys and girls meet together for a full meal, prayer, scripture, and joy! They learn their identity from a relationship with the Father and are prepared to be sent out on mission.

HOW DO I JOIN? Contact Michael Lynch (


Youth Mentors, Leaders and Volunteers

Is a still, small voice calling you?

If you can give a testimony or life story, smile, or lead games, if you have a gift for creativity or service or hospitality, if you like to call people, if you can lead small groups, sing, play an instrument…. whatever the gift the Lord has given you, it can be used in God’s service to the youth of our community.

You don’t need to be an expert at anything, you just need to have the desire to grow in your faith and to serve. Now is the time for you to sign up for the new Middle School and/or High School Core teams.

Please contact Michael Lynch to find out about what we have to offer and how you can be a part of youth ministry. You must be 17 to serve and attend a Safe Environment Class. 

Our Youth Team is filled with awesome people!  We’d love to have you join us